Monitor FTP sites with WatchFTP Monitor FTP sites with WatchFTP


History Viewer

The History Viewer

This window shows the messages and downloaded files from the selected task. Note that this is a resizable window and it does not "block" WatchFTP's main application window.

Show: Select the type of information you want to display. There are 3 types of information available:

  1. Messages: These are normally not specific to detected files, they can include error messages.
  2. Downloaded files: The files that are successfully downloaded. They are displayed in a light-green color.
  3. Waiting files: Files that are detected on the FTP server, but are not downloaded yet. They are displayed in a dark-green color.

Time Period: Allows you to select the time-range of information to display.

Filter: Enter text to search for. Note that this search is case-sensitive.

Automatically Refresh: By ticking this box, the display will refresh every 2 seconds.

Some notes about Task History

The Task History is stored in a relational SQLite database, called history.db, inside the Task Directory of this task. The database is automatically "cleaned up" when the task starts and periodically while the task is running. The database will keep 31 days of history.